
At Faith Evangelical Lutheran Church, we strive to share God’s love both within our Ottawa, ON community and beyond. Our livestreamed Sunday services extend our outreach far beyond our church walls, bringing worship to those near and far.

Your generous donation helps support:

Thank you for your invaluable support of our mission—your generosity makes a meaningful difference.

Pre-Authorized Offering Program

The Pre-Authorized Offering Program is a low-cost direct debit service that allows people to support their church through a convenient automatic monthly bank account withdrawal. It is administered by the United Church of Canada.

Download the Pre-authorized Payment Form

Send completed application forms (with VOID cheque) to If you want to adjust your monthly offering amount you can do so by emailing the same address.

Interac e-Transfer

Send donations to using online banking. Transfers will be performed automatically – no security question is required. Please enter your full name and address (or envelope number if you have one) in the message field of the e-Transfer. This will ensure your donation is properly recorded.

Interac e-Transfer donations are only accepted for the General Fund. Other designated donations are not accepted using e-Transfer.

Donate Online

Online donations can be made below through Zeffy.

Online donations are only accepted for the General Fund. Other designated donations are not accepted through Zeffy.

⚠️ Note that an additional fee will be added to your donation to support Zeffy. You can change the value of that fee to whatever you want in the Summary section of the form before making payment. If you want to set the fee to $0, open the pull-down menu below the donation amount, select Other, and enter 0 in the Contribution field.