

Christian Meditation (onsite)
Jun 5 @ 5:00 pm – 5:45 pm

Following the Christian Meditation tradition of contemplative prayer, we gather to sit in silence and stillness for twenty minutes, focusing on a prayer word and repeating it interiorly and faithfully, as we enter the prayer of Jesus Christ. We normally also listen to a recording by teachers in this tradition (eg. John Main, Laurence Freeman), and reflect together briefly on this practice of prayer and our understanding of it. This time together provides an oasis of calm and concentration in a busy life of distraction and rapid mobility.

Until the weather becomes prohibitive later in November, we will meet weekly on Wednesdays at 5pm onsite at Faith Lutheran Church (43 Meadowlands Dr West, Ottawa). Please watch for updates on this calendar for when we switch back to online gathering for the winter season.

For onsite gatherings, please wear a mask while we are in the building together. If you would like to join the weekly group, or would like more information, please contact Pastor Martin Malina (

Lectionary study (online)
Jun 10 @ 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm

We read a scripture assigned to the following Sunday, according to the Revised Common Lectionary. If you would like to know the precise scripture reference for the coming session, or would like to join the online group, please contact Pastor Martin. (

In the hour we are together we follow the practice of lectio divina (a prayerful, reflective reading of the scripture), hearing the text three times and asking each time a different question of the text and of ourselves:

  1. What word or phrase or image first speaks to you? (Hear)
  2. What is God/Jesus/the Word saying to you? What is the important meaning you discover in this text? (Reflect)
  3. What is God/Jesus/the Word calling you to do? (Respond)
Ottawa Lutherans book club (online)
Jun 10 @ 7:00 pm – 8:15 pm

In this session, we will review His Whole Life, by Canadian author Elizabeth Hay. To join the conversation with other book-lovers, please contact Pastor Martin ( for the Zoom link.