

Easter early morning worship
Apr 16 @ 8:00 am – 9:00 am

Christ is risen!

Christ is risen, indeed! Alleluia!

Easter breakfast
Apr 16 @ 9:00 am – 10:00 am

Join us for conversation and a light, continental-styled, fare offered in between the Easter morning worship services, in the narthex of the church. No price for admission!

Ottawa Lutheran Refugee Sponsorship Plant Sale
May 27 @ 9:00 am

Ottawa Lutheran Refugee Sponsorship Committee

Our Eritrean family of 6 have had their medicals and will be arriving soon!  To help raise money needed for them, we are going to be selling plants at the Great Glebe Garage Sale on Saturday May 27, 2017.  You can help by donating plants from your gardens (vegetables and herbs are especially popular sellers). Please pot them up and remember to label them.  Donations can be dropped off at 297 Second Ave (corner of Percy and Second Ave) the afternoon and evening of Friday May 26, 2017.  Proceeds from the sale will be matched by FaithLife Financial up to a total of $300. If you have any questions please contact your OLRSC congregational representative or email